Solar Systems
& Services


Custom Designed Solar Power Systems & Support

From start to finish, Sage Solar is here to guide you every step of the way. We provide a comprehensive range of services from Custom Design to Installation and Operation support, ensuring an efficient and seamless transition to solar energy. Our custom-designed solar power systems cater to your unique needs, whether you're concerned about escalating power bills or seeking reliable backup power.

And that's not all — our solar power systems also make you eligible for a 30% Federal Tax Credit. It's not just an investment in green energy, it's an investment in your future.

Enhanced solar power system

Grid-Tie System
with Battery Back-up

We have options when it comes to battery back-up, however, the new Enphase Home Ensemble provides battery back-up that can be used to offset your overnight usage when not needed for emergency back-up.

Our systems invite you to take command of your home’s energy landscape by significantly reducing bills and enjoying peace of mind when the grid goes down. Invest in Sage Solar’s Grid-Tie with Battery Back-up to take control of your home energy needs with remarkable flexibility and superior performance.


Grid-Tie Solar Power System

Harness the sun's abundant energy with our Enphase Grid-Tie Solar Power System, a customer favorite renowned for its remarkable flexibility and superior performance. This system invites you to take command of your home's energy landscape by significantly reducing bills and enjoying unparalleled control over usage with our solar system.

Invest in Sage Solar's Premier Grid-Tie Solar Power System and step into a world where energy is sustainable, control is at your fingertips and significant savings on your electric bills become a routine part of your life.

Enphase solar power system
Enhanced solar power system

Grid-Tie System
with Battery Back-up

We have options when it comes to battery back-up, however, the new Enphase Home Ensemble provides battery back-up that can be used to offset your overnight usage when not needed for emergency back-up.

Our systems invite you to take command of your home’s energy landscape by significantly reducing bills and enjoying peace of mind when the grid goes down. Invest in Sage Solar’s Grid-Tie with Battery Back-up to take control of your home energy needs with remarkable flexibility and superior performance.

Enphase solar power system

Grid-Tie Solar Power System

Harness the sun's abundant energy with our Enphase Grid-Tie Solar Power System, a customer favorite renowned for its remarkable flexibility and superior performance. This system invites you to take command of your home's energy landscape by significantly reducing bills and enjoying unparalleled control over usage with our solar system.

Invest in Sage Solar's Premier Grid-Tie Solar Power System and step into a world where energy is sustainable, control is at your fingertips and significant savings on your electric bills become a routine part of your life.



Customize Your Energy Goals with Enphase Solutions by Sage Solar

Sage Solar Oklahoma, leveraging Enphase Energy System configurations, offers personalized solutions to your energy needs. Whether it's reducing bills, ensuring power during outages, or minimizing your carbon footprint, our certified installers will design a system to meet your exact needs.


Innovate with Sage Solar’s IQ8 Microinverters: The Future of Solar Energy

Sage Solar Oklahoma introduces the IQ8H-240 Microinverter, a groundbreaking technology capable of efficient DC to AC power conversion. Experience the advantages of a microgrid-forming, software-defined microinverter that adapts swiftly to changing loads and grid events.


Empower Your Home with Sage Solar’s Powerful Enphase IQ Battery 5P

The Enphase IQ Battery 5P by Sage Solar Oklahoma represents the pinnacle of battery power. Double the power of previous generations, this battery integrates seamlessly with the Enphase App, offering you a cost-effective path to resilient energy independence.

Get Inspired. Go Solar.

Contact us to start your solar journey today!

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